But before using the settings on this guide, you should consult the owner’s manual of your spreader. Here are the various settings for distributing various agric chemicals at different lbs across 1000 Sq Ft.

Standard Drop Spreader.Scotts Spreader Settings lbs per 1000 sq.Ft Spreader calibration is not hard when you know how it's done. Find the user manual you need for your lawn and garden product and more at ManualsOnline. Garden product manuals and free pdf instructions.

Scotts Standard Broadcast Spreader Manual Scotts Standard Spreader Parts Whether you are winsome validating the ebook 2015 Chrysler Concorde Owners Manual in pdf upcoming, in that apparatus you retiring onto the evenhanded. If you are looking for the book Chrysler concorde 2015 owners manual in pdf form, in that case you come on to right website. My apologies.Ģ015 chrysler concorde owners manual. Edited to add: I just noticed this thread is over 9 years old. They listed Earthway spreaders on the Lesco pre emergent I had but I had to watch how it was being spread and then adjust up or down from there. Lesco's recommended spreader settings are just an estimate and need adjusted. I still had to stop and make small adjustments just based on a visible assessment of what the spreader was doing. Then, when I applied a late season pre emergent I was more confident of the settings. I purchased a new Earthway 2170 last year and I spread milorganite, cracked corn, and alfalfa pellets purposefully, but also as a trial so to not do anything harmful to the lawn. Scotts Standard Broadcast Spreader Manual